Without wheat, sugar & cow’s milk

The fine in details of draped herbs and spices directly caught my attention on the cover of Epi-Food. “You eat with your eyes“ would best describe the visual language of this beautiful cookbook while flipping through it. After opening the first pages you feel that the two young women from Munich, Alexandra and Felicitas, give more than just their thoughts about healthy food. It primarily communicates about the joy of cooking yourself. It motivates you to influence your health with conscious eating and a careful selection of high-quality products. It’s all about nutrients we ingest. This book is for all of you interested in replacing “wheat, refined industrial sugar & cow’s milk” with alternative, tasty recipes that feel more like rewarding yourself than sacrifice.
“Epi-Food is a nutrition and lifestyle concept which is based on the fundamental idea of epigenetics. Epigenetics work with the human genes. We can protect and heal our genes by cultivating a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating. So you can eat yourself healthy“
The comprehensive guide is structured into 11 levels: from the immune system, digestion, concentration and sleep to muscle building and many more exciting topics.
It is graded into easy and quick chapters and contains a list of valuable ingredients and their effects and substances.
The cookbook is inspired by a delicious mix of international cuisines, newly discovered classics and also offers more than 100 recipes for the vegan lifestyle.
“What are Epi-Food foods?“
“These are foods that are wholesome and in best case organically grown, with a disproportionate amount of nutrients and healing qualities. These are foods that strengthen your body and your immune system, meaning to support our bodies, prevent diseases and premature aging, promote healthy digestion and produce a healthy intestinal flora.”
I experienced the delicious catering of Epi-Food at Greenstyle Munich a tradeshow for Fair Fashion & Organic Beauty and I was convinced from the first moment: These creative and very simple recipes should be tried out in all kitchens at home!
Baobabs, Cinnamon Apple Pie or Ravioli Tartufo?
Get ready to explore a new way of healthy cooking and get inspired.
Book language: german.