SimplePlasticfreeliving (#EinfachPlastikfreileben)
Soup in a water bottle, white wine in a coffee mug or a simple “no, thank you.” to a cosmetic sample. Being on tour with Charlotte is like a wandering source of inspiration when you decide to live (more) plastic-free.She started with a stainless steel bottle 5 years ago. She always took it with her to re-fill it everywhere.
“From this moment on I realized that such small changes have a huge impact” said Charlotte.
From this time her motivation has grown to inspire others to avoid plastic and waste.
For her first book #EinfachPlastikfreileben (simple plastic free living) she developed a 4-step program for an easy introduction which already shows a huge impact in a very short time.
I agree with her in any case because “really everyone of us” can make a difference without being perfect.
A very important point for me personally in her book is that you should use up all existing products before disposing of or replacing them.Whether it’s clothes, food in the storage or everyday products, we do the opposite and pollute the environment enormously if we buy everything new from one day to another.
With DIY tutorials such as beeswax wraps, the reader directly gets the first ideas of how to switch to alternatives with a small budget at home.In her book she motivates to start with small steps and goals. It is also ok to make exceptions if you want to live plastic free.The book is definitely at the top of my gift list because it inspires one to start a plastic-free lifestyle.
“Sustainability is also the focus of the production of this book. The biodegradable paper is made from apple residues that are sprout during the juice production.”
Visit Charlotte on her book tour and let her take you on a journey with her readings to a plastic-free life.
Readings can be found under: