I take photos and write about sustainable & fair designs for some time. I met a lot of people who bring all their heart, passion and energy into their work. I can’t even describe the strong community who’s working together and learning from each other. Growing together.
With my designbook I want to give all their work the chance to be seen between the fast fashion brands. Give some motivation to re- and upcycle and inspire to find lovely treasures in old things
state seal: Grüner Knopf
Hoodie: Derbe Hamburg
Jeansjacke: Feuervogel
Backpack: Melawear
Leggings: Armedangels
T-Shirt: Stanley/Stella
Who made my clothes?
1.135 people died. Over 2.500 got hurt. Today – the 7th anneversary of the tragedy at the textile manufacturer Rana Plaza. This is the price the people there paid for. Fast Fashion. Cheap Fashion. All of us can do a lot to stop this cruel happening NOW and give all the people a voice who lost their lives and all the people who work under unfair conditions. It’s our responsibility asking brands for more transparency. Turn the label of your clothes inside out and tag the brands with #whomademyclothes
Subscribe the petiton at @changeorg_deutschland #fairbylaw
Check out my story today for small acts with a hugh impact when we do it together.
T-Shirt: Stanley/Stella
Short: Armedangels
Watch: Nordgreen
Pullover: Lanius
Bottle: Doli Bottles
Book: Achtsam Anziehen
Coat: FlippaK
Leggings: Armedangels
Pullover: Muji
Shoes: Alina Schürfeld
Pullover: LNKNITS
Dress: Left edit
Photo: Thea Sneve Lovsted
Styling: Nina Woolfe
Ethical Fashion Campaign: www.mochni.com
Dress: Kharakapas
from: Bonabuni
Slip & Top: OrganicBasics
Pullover: LNKNITS
Hut: old
Jacket: True Standard
Pants: True Standard
Cap: True Standard
Fotos: Julia Haack
Pullover: True Standard
Foto: Julia Haack
Knit-Cardigan: True Standard
Pants: True Standard
Fotos: Julia Haack
Dress: Uli Herzener
Bag: Solve
Blouse: Worn since 6 years
Leggings: Armedangels
Shoes: Alina Schürfeld
Dress: Wunderwerk
Shoes: Nine to Five
Jacket: Deadwood Studios
Pants: Wunderwerk
Shoes: Alina Schürfeld
Scarf: Verena von Eschenbach
Blouse: Worn since 5 years
Leggings: Armedangels
Shoes: Nine to Five
Blouse: Worn since 6 years
Pants: PeopleTree
Shoes: Alina Schürfeld
Dress: PeopleTree
Ballerinas: Grand Step Shoes
Cardigan: Worn since 8 years
Sportswear: Organic Basics
Ballerinas: Worn since 3 years
Top: PeopleTree
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Skirt: Thought Clothing
Sandals: Grand Step Shoes
Foto: Leevke Struck
Cooperation: Jojeco Fairfashion
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Pullover: Studio Jux
Scarf: Studio Jux
Coffeemug: Kaffeeform
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
T-Shirt: Stanley/Stella
Jeansjacket: Kuyichi Pure Goods
Bag: O My Bag
Skirt: Worn since 4 years
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Pullover: Armedangels
Rainjacket: Knowledge Cotton Apparel
Leggings: Armedangels
Sneaker: Ethletic
Coffeemug: Kaffeeform
Big Foto: Leevke Struck
Cooperation: Jojeco Fairfashion
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Longsleeve: Armedangels
Leggings: Armedangels
Sneaker: Ethletic
Coffeemug: Kaffeeform
Fotos: Leevke Struck
Cooperation: Jojeco Fairfashion
Jacket: Deadwood Studios
Leggings: Armedangels
Shoes: Nine to Five
Bottle: Doli Bottles
T-Shirt: Polarherz
Backpack: PinqPonq
Jeans: King of Indigo
Shoes: Grand Step Shoes
Fotos: Leevke Struck
Cooperation: Jojeco Fairfashion
Bandeau: Knowledge Cotton Apparel
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
T-Shirt: Worn since 4 years
Phonebag: Bridge&Tunnel
Sneaker: Eco Alf
Hut: WarmMe
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Jeansjacket: Kuyichi Pure Goods
T-Shirt: Einstein Newton
Leggings: Armedangels
Bottle: Dopper
Boots: Worn since 7 years
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
T-Shirt: Einstein Newton
Jeans: Worn since 7 years
Shoes: Toms
Hut: worn since 12 years
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Jeansjacket: Kuyichi Pure Goods
Jumpsuit: Wunderwerk
Shoes: Toms
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Longsleeve: Armedangels
Jeans: Kuyichi Pure Goods
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Pullover: Armedangels
Backback: Sandqvist
Leggings: Armedangels
Shoes: Toms
Bottle: Carrybottles
Hut: WarmMe
Pullover: Alma & Lovis
Shorts: Armedangels
Shoes: Worn since 4 years
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Jacket: Wunderwerk
Shorts: Armedangels
Shoes: Toms
Sunglasses: Antonio Verde
Top: Studio Jux
Leggings: Armedangels
Hut: WarmMe
Scarf: Acne Studios
Pullover: Studio 163
Jacket: Worn since 5 years